Our next meeting will be our AGM on Wednesday 29th November ( time and venue to follow).
It is a great opportunity to hear about what our fundraising has achieved in the past year and also to find out about our projects for the coming year. So come along and meet the committee and share your ideas for fundraising and future projects. It’s the ideal time to have your say!
As part of the formalities of the AGM, we will be electing the officers we are required to have in place in order to function as a registered charity. With that in mind, please consider putting yourself forward for the role of Secretary, as Michelle Edser, who has fulfilled the role brilliantly for eight years, is stepping down. She has certainly ‘done her bit’ for the charity and we thank her so much for all her hard work and commitment.
The role requires attendance at meetings as the main job is to take the minutes, recording decisions made and actions to be taken. Although this sounds like a big commitment, meetings are generally once a half term and can be via Zoom if attending in person is difficult. Full support will be given to anyone wishing to take on the role.
If you want more information or to register your interest, please contact us on info@friendsofdownsview.org.uk
The Friends committee is very small at the moment, literally a handful of us and there is no one currently involved who can fill this role due to holding other responsibilities.
Lisa Burgess is happy to stand again as Chair and Peter Mapledoram as Treasurer.
If The Friends of Downs View is to continue as a charity raising much needed funds for the school and Link College, we really do need your support. As parent/carers ourselves, we understand the challenges of juggling everything day to day, but the more of us, the more we can achieve.
So don’t be shy, at least come along and see what it’s all about!
Thank you in advance and see you on the 29th.
Lisa Burgess, Chair of FODV