It was wonderful to see so many families at this event. Thank you for coming along despite the slightly unpredictable weather and making it a really fantastic afternoon.
These social events are so important to keep us all connected.
A huge thank you as always to the committee members who worked so hard to make the Fun Day happen, behind the scenes as well as on the day.
Special mention must be made of Nickie Poulton who, yet again, pulled everything together with her dedicated team of helpers. We are so grateful to them. However, after decades of supporting the Friends, Nickie has decided to step down from the committee. A huge loss to the Friends, but a well deserved rest for her! Our heartfelt thanks to her for all she has done. She really has been a star and will be missed.
A big thank you too, to Sussex Medieval Society for entertaining us with their reinactment and Sean Davies, a parent, who brought along his guitar and sang for us.
For now, from the Friends committee, have a wonderful summer and we’ll see you in September!
Lisa Burgess.