Our recent committee meeting was very productive and we are moving forward with projects, both at the school and the Link College, which feels really exciting. So here are some updates for you:
Redevelopment of the School Playground
Fantastic news to share that all the equipment is now ordered, including a wheelchair swing which will be located on the upper play area for ease of access. There is potential for the work to be carried out over the summer holiday, which would be fantastic. We are thrilled to be contributing £55,000 to this project, money raised by you over many years, providing this wonderful resource that will be used everyday by the young people. There are further phases of this project, such as planting around it, which would be undertaken after the construction work is complete.
Refurbishment of the Link College Sensory Room
Vanessa made us aware at the meeting that this is another area in great need of attention and we had no hesitation in offering to fund/part fund the refurbishment of this valuable and much used resource, pending quotes being obtained at a future date.
Link College Garden Project
This is making great progress thanks to Nick Sell, PMLD class teacher. Two planters have already been built and look fantastic and we plan to set aside a sum of money each year for on-going support of the project, which will be of huge benefit to the Link College students.
We hope you’re as excited about these projects as we are and proud that the money raised through events you’ve attended, cakes you’ve bought, the hundreds of miles run, walked, trekked, climbed and not to mention all the raffle tickets purchased, is now being spent and will enrich the lives of our amazing young people. Thank you so much.
Don’t forget that if you have any fundraising ideas or would like to be more involved in the decision making around spending along with DV staff, please come and join us! Our meetings are friendly and a great way to meet other parents/carers. Feel free to contact us via – info@friendsofdownsview.org.uk
Friends of Downs View Committee.