Not long to go – this years Christmas Raffle draw will take place on Wednesday 14th December.
As always, there will be a fabulous hamper filled with festive goodies to be won, along with other great prizes as well. Hopefully you will have received the return slip with details of how to buy tickets in your young person’s communication book.
If you still want tickets and haven’t bought them yet it’s not too late! You can buy strips of 5 tickets for £2.50 or individual tickets for 50p each.
Please send in your return slip together with cash or cheques (payable to Friends of Downs View) in an envelop marked Christmas Raffle. If you don’t have your slip please make sure you include details of your child’s name and class together with the number of tickets required and the total amount of the payment enclosed. You can either send in to your site reception or via your young person’s communication book. All ticket requests and payment should be returned to your site reception by Tuesday 13th December. There will also be tickets available to buy (cash only) before the primary and secondary assemblies next week.
If you would like to donate an item for the hamper, or have anything else that would make a good raffle prize, please send it in by Tuesday 13th December clearly marked Christmas Raffle Donation.
Tickets sold support the Friends in their efforts to provide much needed resources for all our incredible young people.
Thank you for your support – Good Luck everyone!